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My earliest memory of school is from prep, when I was standing in the primary school library with my friends getting name tags with our teacher on them.

I learn best when I'm talking with others and asking lots of questions so I understand as much as I can.

My worst trait is that I usually overthink things and stress myself out unnecessarily and overreact to things.

My best trait is trying my hardest when I can.

I often wonder about existence. Sometimes when I think deeply about it it messes with my brain.

The hardest thing I've ever done was probably giving a speech to my primary school at the end of year 6.

The last possession I would give up is my phone. A bit shallow, but if it really boiled down to it its what I'd take.

This term I am looking forward to the camp in the Grampians. I've never tried abseiling before but I've always wanted to.

What image would you put on a postcard of Melbourne? Why? I would put Flinders St station on it because I think it is the most iconic part of Melbourne. It seems like a cliché but I really think it represents Melbourne.

Which Melbourne person would you most like to sit next to on the tram? Why? I'd like sit next to Cate Blanchett because she's an amazing actor and she's pretty funny and interesting.

If you could invite any 3 people from history to dinner who would you invite? Why? I'd invite Gandhi, Alan Turing and Christopher Lee. Gandhi because he was such an iconic revolutionary, Alan Turing because of his amazing discoveries in the war and Christopher Lee because he was much more than just an actor.

Describe Melbourne in three words. Diverse, safe, familiar

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