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Camp Reflection

It was an early start on Wednesday. Surprisingly, I didn't get up too late and reached Southern Cross in time. I'd been to Halls Gap before, so I was very excited to go there again. I was also super excited because my cabin group and my activity group had my closest friends. After the train ride, the bus from Ararat to Halls Gap, settling in and lunch, we had our first activity of the day, a hike up Boronia Peak. It was a pretty hot day, so soon enough we were sticky and bothered. We made sure we drank heaps of water. Once we reached the top it was a relief. The view was amazing and the breeze helped with the heat. On the way back we went on a shortcut where we had to cross a creek by walking on a log which was quite fun. When we returned everyone used their last bit of energy to flat out sprint for the showers.

The second day was amazing for me because I love climbing and that sort of thing. The high ropes course was pretty good and my favourite part was the activity where you had to leap of the top off a rock-climbing wall. After lunch, we set out to our next activity, abseiling. I couldn't wait as it was an new experience for me. The walk up to the cliff was fun as there was a bit of rock-scrambling and once we reached the top the view was incredible. We had to wait for a while to actually abseil down as there was a lot of us and the 60m cliff took a while to go down. The actual abseil was incredible as the view wasn't something you see everyday, but it was a little short for the amount of waiting and walking

we did (not that I'm complaining).

The third and final day was an early start for our cabin, as Alexa had set her alarm for 5:40 with the Star Wars theme as its ring tone. We got our things ready and played some soccer in the dark with a light-up ball. After breakfast, it was off to the Pinnacle for everyone. The walk was only 2km but seemed to take a while as we were chatting and messing around. The Pinnacle was great and we got our third amazing view of Halls Gap and the Grampians. Afterwards we went back down into the town had some lunch and an ice-cream (for most of us). Then it was back to Ararat for the long train ride home.

Overall, this year's camp was all I could have hoped for. Basically, it consisted of friends, various forms of sport and great views. That's pretty much perfect.

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