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Indigenous Australia- Bunjilaka Exhibit


These were used by warriors to defend clans as deflective shields and also as hand-to-hand combat weapons. They were also culturally symbolic as the decorations of them tell stories. Each of the shields have been made by skilled craftsmen. Each of the shields are unique. Together the shields show the diversity of the different Aboriginal nations through the use different of woods and iconography.


This kinetic sculpture tells the story of Bunjil, a deity of creation. He is usually depicted as a wedge-tailed eagle. This sculpture moves constantly while lights are shone upon. Narration over the top tells his story. The movement represents the majesty of the wedge-tailed eagle.

Nicky WInmar

Neil "Nicky" WInmar is a former footballer. The iconic photo in the background was taken when Colliingwood supporters were jeering racist comments at Winmar and his fellow Aboriginal teammate, Gilbert McAdam. Winmar had had enough so he went up to them and lifted his shirt and pointed to his brown skin and said "I'm black and I'm proud of it!". When he was met by some more racist remarks he remained defiant and blew some kisses then jogged away. He will always be an Aboriginal icon that will be remembered for his stand against racism.

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